Client story: Lisa Kathman and Sarah Bevier
The Breakthrough
Lisa and Sarah suddenly saw who was doing what. They now communicate effectively, hold each other accountable, hire rockstars, and plan for growth.
Lisa and Sarah run SLP Toolkit, which allows speech pathologists to help students identify their needs, define their goals, and plan for success. They started working with us in October 2020. Here’s their story ...
We were all wearing too many hats and we thought we looked cool. Actually, we were headless chickens. Nobody knew who was doing what. We were beginning to burn out.
A friend mentioned Tamara and the Process Mavens. It wasn’t an accident. We got their number and we gave them a call. We knew we needed what they had.
From the first meeting, it was clear that working with the Process Mavens was going to add value. Tamara and her team were able to tease out all the things that were stuck in our heads.
Initially, we’ll admit, some of us were sceptical about writing everything down. Shouldn’t we all just know how to do our jobs? Initially, too, there was an adjustment, as we began to realize how many things we were all meant to be doing.
Soon enough, we were converts. The clarity that comes from documenting our roles and responsibilities was mind-blowing. We began to communicate effectively and to hold each other accountable.
It’s not just about communication. It’s about planning for growth. Identifying goals ahead of time. Sharing them with your team. Working out how you’re going to measure them and who you’re going to need on your team to make sure you get there.
Working with The Process Mavens is like getting a big, professional hug. We used to hide at the back of the room at those CEO events, wondering if we knew what we were doing. Now we know we belong. We’re real entrepreneurs.
You can learn more about Lisa and Sarah. Read more Client Results.