The 6th Love Language: Clear Processes & Training

Love through better processes and training? You better believe it.

Perhaps when you think of building your employee training or operations manual, you think of all the problems it will solve for your business...

  • Fewer mistakes

  • More rapid employee training

  • Better employee alignment

  • More consistent client experience

What if you also considered it as an act of LOVE.

When you provide thoughtfully curated employee training, you love your new-hires enough to make sure they can be successful as quickly as possible. (What a gift!)

When you invest the time and money to document your processes, you love your clients enough to ensure they have an exceptional experience every time, no matter who they encounter in your business.

When you invest the energy to finally get those administrative tasks out of your head and delegated to someone else, you love yourself enough to spend more of your time in your zone of genius.

Remember, clear processes and training are a better gift than chocolate, this Valentine’s Day. (But only just barely.)