This is why you can't seem to document your processes

We’ve helped a LOT of businesses get their processes out of their heads and into Trainual over the years and there’s one common pattern in the ones who’ve struggled to get it done…

They’re still figuring out their processes.

You 100% must DEFINE your processes before you can DOCUMENT them. And frankly, you may not even be ready to define them if you’re just getting started!

This means…

If it’s a new process and you’re still figuring out how everything should work…

If you have disagreement amongst team members about how things “should get done”…

If you just bought a new critical software system and haven’t fully implemented it yet…

If you’re about to restructure your team and change all your workflows…

It is NOT time to document your processes. You’re still in the middle of DEFINING your processes and trying to document things now will only frustrate you and your team.

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