This Trick Will Make Your Processes & Company Info CLEARER

I’m in the middle of training a new employee and I realized it’s been a long time since I really broke down the different ways we provide value for our clients. I’m a visual learner, so I was drawing things as I explained and this simple-but-beautiful little illustration of 4 categories of products we create emerged from my ramblings:

Through this process, I got the joy of experiencing, first-hand, one of the principles I talk about all the time when we work with clients to build their training and documentation:

You get clearer on how things work when you explain them to someone else.
If it’s been awhile since you thoroughly explained your core offerings and how they serve each of your different client needs, I highly recommend it. You may just walk away with a deeper level of understanding that can make you even better at spreading the word about just how awesome your business is!

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