There is so much to do right now...
Preparing for our first full-time employee in just 2 weeks (eep!)
Onboarding new clients
Supporting existing clients
Sending proposals
Creating new content
And yet, I'm about to spend the next TEN FREAKING HOURS doing none of it. (gasp!) Instead, I'll be attending my very first quarterly session for EO Accelerator Arizona.
Instead of doing, I’ll be…
Growing as an entrepreneur
My list of urgent things will still be here when I return tomorrow, but the woman who shows up to my desk to do them will be wiser, better-connected, and better-equipped to lead this business.
I have invested a LOT of time and money in my own professional development, and I’ve never regretted a dime, because I know that if I want my business to grow, it’s essential to grow ME.
Wish me luck!