It takes bravery to let someone go

The last few days have been filled with conversations with leaders about people on their team that are struggling in their current role.

They’re great humans.

They’re well-loved.

But they’re just not getting the results that are needed for their position.

Sometimes you can coach the person to develop the skills they need to be successful. Hopefully direct and frequent feedback is always the first approach. But sometimes there’s no getting around a role change (or sometimes to let that person go altogether.)

This is SO HARD for caring, empathetic leaders. I’ve felt it myself.

A few rules of thumb…

Consider if the person quit today - would you feel relieved?

Consider the feeling you get when you think about this person - is there a nagging dread?

Consider if the position were empty today - would you hire them?

Once the answer is clear, take action as quickly as possible and of course, with extreme kindness. If they’re a great culture fit and there’s another position on the team they can do well, go for it. If not, it’s time to part ways.

Because keeping someone in a role they aren’t suited for doesn’t just hurt you and your clients and your team. It hurts them too.

They can feel your disapproval.

They can feel the friction, the tension.

They can feel it’s not working too.

Sometimes these changes are extremely painful in the moment. But remember that everyone has talents and changing someone’s role can be a gift that helps them get ever-closer to finding the work they love.