Today, I Avoided My Hard Things

You know that thing where you avoid doing the things you’re not confident about and instead stay in that comfy familiar zone of the things you’re awesome at?

Well that’s me today.

Instead of reaching out, blogging, doing outreach on LinkedIn, working on growing my audience (all of which feel hard at the moment), I’ve spent my day helping clients fix operational workflows, writing processes, and going above and beyond to provide extra coaching to help a client frame their KPIs and quarterly goals.

One person’s hard thing is another’s person’s easy thing.

And I keep reminding myself that the things that are easy for me in my business today used to feel impossible. But I worked at them and kept practicing and eventually they got easy.

Marketing, for me, is no different. I know I need to keep showing up. Keep trying new things. Keep practicing.

It’s the same for you and your hard thing. Let’s keep trying together.