The 80/20 of Process Documentation

CEO: I need to document my business.

Me: Cool! What does that mean to you?

CEO: It means we’ll complete a project to write down everything we do and how we do It.

Me: That sounds awful.

Ok, maybe the conversation doesn’t go exactly like this, but I get a lot of business leaders coming my way with this big project of “documenting their business” in their sights.

And while it sounds amazing to finally have every single thing your business does out of your collective heads and into a tool like Trainual, creating a plan to document EVERYTHING is rarely the best approach. (Nor is it something most teams have the time nor attention span to complete, in my experience.)

Instead of thinking about it as getting everything documented, what if instead you focused on…

  • which role(s) on your team need more consistent new-hire training so it doesn’t take up so much time and effort in their first weeks on the job.

  • which tasks you’d like to delegate off your key team members’ plate so they can spend their valuable time on the right kinds of tasks.

  • which processes live in the heads of just one person that could put your business at significant risk.

Which of these problems, if addressed, would give you the biggest return on your investment in the next 90 days? That’s where you begin.

Just start with one business result like, “We have an online new-hire training for medical assistants and have reduced training time by 50%.” Then document THAT THING.

Sure, if you keep doing this, you’ll eventually you’ll have your business out of your brain, but along the way, you’ll have implemented a whole lot of business-changing projects that actually impact the bottom line.

Focus on a business outcome you want to achieve through documentation.

Pick a small project and set deadlines and ownership.

Make the thing.


That’s the secret recipe for documenting your business.

If you need help defining and executing your 90-day documentation, WE CAN HELP! Check out our 90-Day Employee Training Sprint!